Warranty: 1 Year USA Manufacturers | Condition: Brand New & Factory Fresh | Stock: Usually Ships In 1-2 Business Days |
Description: |
This Item Includes:
Internal Deflector Filter Gel Template Lifetime Warranty
The MilaGrid PowerGrid Flash Diffuser incorporates denser weave Grid Matrix to broaden the light source across its 6.6" width. These precision-gauge Light Conduits create a lesser volume of more highly diffused light than the BounceGrid, while the Light Gates continue to allow light to pass unobstructed towards ceiling and walls, providing reflective fill.
Additionally, the PowerGrid adds 7 large "Ceiling Flood Gates" along the top surface to direct substantially more light towards the ceiling, causing a proportionately greater volume of ceiling-reflected light to strike the top-front of the subject. However, when used with the included Internal Reflector, it can be used to both bounce and diffuse the flash output at the same time, resulting in overall softer and more pleasing shadows.
The PowerGrid diffuser is most efficient when used with 8-10' ceilings, and at a distance of 5-12' from the subject. The results are soft, smooth transitions from highlight to shadow, with a lighting pattern more consistent with natural light, and as with all Grid Matrix diffusers, enhanced highlight smoothness and tonality, and beautifully luminous shadows.
Specifications: |
� The PowerGrid provides a built-in filter attachment system. Common, inexpensive lighting gels can be mounted for precise color temperature conversion to tungsten or fluorescent light for fill-in flash, or for special effects. A filter-cutting template is included, along with the necessary filter mounting materials.
� Universal fit for most portable flash units.
� Increased ceiling reflectance.
Light Loss
Approx. 1/2 to 3/4 f/stops
Coverage Angle
100� (14mm lens)
Attachment Method
3.5 x 6.75 x 3.25" (89 x 171 x 82mm) HxWxD |
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